Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Brushes with Death

Through out my life I have had several brushes with death because of the substances I have ingested.

My first near death experience occurred in the fifth month of the fourth year of my life. On this day, according to the account of my mother, I had happened to find my way into my parent’s room where my father had irresponsibly left his bottle of Calvin Klein Obsession open and with in my reach. As a preschooler should be, I was curious about this strange liquid that smelled good. Throughout my short life I had learned that if something smelled good then it usually tasted good, so based on that logic I took a swig. I quickly learned that everything that smelled good did NOT taste good so I when to the kitchen where my mom was and asked for a glass of water. I didn't finish the glass so I handed it to my mother and she took the cup and smelt the cologne and quickly asked what I had been drinking. When I told her she promptly called poison control. The operator at poison control instructed my mother to call Calvin Klein who for some reason has a nurse on call 24/7. The nurse told my mom to give me orange juice and keep an eye on me to make sure that I didn't die. I end up fine, but it is now a “funny” joke in my family to talk about how I received brain damage from drinking cologne.

The second time that almost died, I didn't really almost die, like many times my mom over reacted. The story goes like this. In the year of our lord 2011, my mom started getting some very delicious gummy vitamins. Not only do I like things that taste good, but I also just want to best for my body. So I figured that I could do both by eating a large quantity of vitamins. I consumed an estimated fifteen vitamins, it would have been more but I was caught in the act and stopped by my mom. She told me that contrary to my belief, eating large quantities of vitamins is actually dangerous and then called poison control again. Lucky, according to the lady a poison control, the vitamins were of very poor quality and didn’t contain any of the vitamins that can be dangerous in large quantities.

In these stories I never really came THAT close to dying, but I could have and I didn’t and now I am thankful for every day. Thank you for your time. (437 words)      


  1. After reading your last 3 blogs I decided I liked this one the best. Though it may have been about your near death experiences, it was entertaining for me to read. You were a good sport about it all and even added the part about your family making fun of you for the first experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  2. Not going to lie, a few years ago I also had a bad run in with fruity vitamins. I thought that like fruit, vitamins would make me better the more I ate which I proceeded to down a whole container. But luckily the vitamins, like yours, had nothing to dangerous in them and I recovered quickly.
