Sunday, January 12, 2014


A hobby of mine that takes advantage of things wanting to eat is fishing.

As you may know to catch a fish by presenting it with something to eat, something that looks like something to eat, or something that seems to be threatening. When the fish attempts to eat of attack what ever it is that you are dangling in front of it you set the hook and hope that the hook(s) sang him in the lip and doesn’t get swallowed. Once the hook is in the fish, as you may expect, you reel it in and get a net if it feels like a big one.
So you have your fish…now what?

Now you finish up the food chain and eat the little thing along with all of his friends. You put it out of the cooler that you placed it in and clamp its tail onto the clippie part of your filleting board and try not to feel bad about what happens next if it’s still flopping around. You start at the tail and cut under the side meat being very careful not to go to deep and pop the guts you cut all of the way up until right under the side fin. Then out just cut up and separate the piece of meat from the rest of the fish. If you are not stupid, you should get two filets off of each fish. Next you can either remove the skin with your knife or leave it on and eat the fish off of it. I prefer to take the skin off and fry the fish in a mixture that my grandma has perfected. The last step is to eat all of the fish you caught with all of the people you caught them with. This meal is, in my opinion, best enjoyed outside and near the body of water where the fish were caught possibly around a fire. (322 words)

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