Thursday, April 10, 2014

Food and Kids

Food play a major role in the life of a teenager. As teenage I think that I can give an interesting insight into how big of a deal food is to a teenager, for hunger suppression, social gatherings, and trying to get bigger.

The first of the things that I listed, hunger suppression, is one that impacts me in a large way. My problem, along with many other teenage boys, is that I am always snacking. I literally eat about six or seven meals a day and according to my mom “[I am]...Eating her out of house and home”. Everywhere that I go I need to know that there will be something there for me to eat so that I don’t go into a spiraling “hunger depression” and that is not very much fun.

There is, however, a problem. The problem is that I cannot seem to gain very much weight. To some people this might seem great, but to me it isn’t. I am trying to gain weigh for sports and my high metabolism is really making me mad. This brings me to the third thing that I listed, trying to get bigger. At this point in my life, and the lives of most of the people that I know, getting bigger no longer means growing taller as it used to. Now getting bigger means just adding mass to your body. Most people prefer to do this by working out and gaining muscle, and to gain muscle you need to eat. Another way that you can make yourself bigger is by adding fat, this is the least preferred way. Right now I am just trying to get bigger no matter where the weight comes from.

Lastly, Social gatherings. Restaurants are the place where you go to meet up with your friends and plan out your night. You may discuss whose house to go to over a burrito or perhaps what bridge you heard was fun to jump off of whilst enjoying a Big Mac. Or maybe the food itself is what you are doing that night. Maybe you just want to go to Casa and eat chips for a few hours before actually ordering any real food.

All of the different ways that food can impact the life of a teenager is why I believe that it is such a major part of this nations youths today. (398 words)

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