Sunday, March 30, 2014


The recent worm weather has gotten me thinking about how great the food I eat when the weather is warm as opposed to the things that I eat when it is cold out. When it is cold out I eat a lot of thing that are home made. Things like casseroles, pies and Italian favorites like Lasagna and spaghetti. Also things from deer season like jerky and sausage. However when summer rolls around, things become quite a bit more outdoorsy. We take out the deer brats that have been sitting in the freezer all winter and throw them on the grill along with any other meat that you can think of.  If it walks on two or four legs and is not on the endangered animals list, then is has been on our grill. Everything from the classic cow and pig, to things like goat and buffalo, elk and a lot more things, they are not always good, but it’s nice to be about to say all of different animals that I have eaten. We don’t just eat things that walk. Some of the most delicious things on this planet swim or fly. Some of the most fun meals to eat are the ones with everyone that you have after a very successful day of fishing. The moms stay inside and fry up the fish while we sit outside and talk about the one that got away using extremely exaggerated numbers to describe its length and weight.  

Another meal that is fun to have is the one after a long day of boating. Everyone has the faint smell of sunscreen on the and is trying not to move around in their shirt to much because we didn’t uses enough of that sunscreen. It is typically enjoyed at my grandparents’ house or on the road on our way back home.

One of the best summer meals has absolutely nothing to do with the heat or the things that you can do in, just the summer time itself. That meal is the one that you just send out a group text and see who is up to go out to eat out. Just a spur of the moment idea to hangout. Then there is always the friend who brings bottle rockets then an impromptu bottle rocket fight breaks out in the parking lot. Then whoever is hit is treated to an apology ice cream cone. (403 words)

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